The WHOLE STORY In A Nutshell
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Send Comments!
The article in the newspaper..WHAT HAPPENED?
The Criminal Court Conspiracy<~~
FAMILY COURT "The Hearings"
The State Central Registry of abused children "hearings"
Why did he leave New York in the first place???
Marital History Part 2
Foster Care (Visits and phone calls)
BATTERED MEN (It happens to men too)
Photo Album



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is March 22, 2015 and we have not seen Payton in 3 years. Anthony could not take the stress of Tessa's harrasment over the phone each time for a visit and I don't care anymore either. Tessa can have her. I don't want to deal with her. Payton is brainwashed by her and there is nothing more we can do. Payton's abuser continues to abuse and as long as I am no longer in the picture...Payton's life will be a little better. Tessa's boyfriend helped her lie about me and the below situation and then Tessa threw him out and moved to MO with her girls. So she got everything she ever wanted. ALL I CAN SAY IS GOOD LUCK PAIGE. If you ever read this, please know that I love you and always will. Come and see me when you get out on your own.......Your Mamaw and Papaw Bob and Vera Hambrick still live in the same place...Reynolds Ave in Princeton but the rest of us have move...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Now it is August 2012...The last time we saw Payton was summer of 2010. During that visit Payton talked about a lot of disturbing things. To keep things from escalating I just commented with "Oh, I'm so sorry you went through that." and other comments that would not cause problems if she told her mommy when she went back to New York. but there was one thing that happened during that visit that I felt had to be at least cleared up in Payton's mind............We were at a public swimming pool and while Payton was playing with a little girl in the pool, I talked to that little girl's mother, telling her that Payton is here for visits and we are taking her back the next day. When Payton and the other girl got out of the pool, the woman said to Payton "I bet you love coming to visit with your Grandmother here in West Virginia" Payton replied: "Yes but my mommy said if I don't spend the whole time with my Daddy and go to my grandparent's, my mommy will go to jail and I would go to baby jail." Later after leaving the pool and going to McDonalds to eat, I asked Payton if that is why she cried and didn't want to come to WV and if what her mommy told her is why she cried and didn't want to come to visit me and her grandfather.(She had never been upset before to come to WV OR to come with me for a couple of nights) She answered "Yes"...While driving back to my house we were in traffic close to a police station and she commented on all the police cars there and policemen. I said in not a bad tone or anything "If I had a nice policeman tell you it's ok for you to see us would you feel safer then?" She said she still wants to see us but don't want a policeman to tell her anything. The subject was changed and I had hoped that she was convinced in her mind that it was OK to spend time with us, regardless of what her mommy said.
The next day me and her grandfather were preparing to take her to the halfway point to meet her mother. Payton was looking at pictures of her when she was little on my computer. We were just about to leave when Payton said she wanted to watch a movie. I said we really don't have time for that but clicked on a video I had saved on my computer of her and her daddy. She watched that. In the car heading out, she was very quiet and seemed to be thinking a lot. Then she announced she wanted to talk to her daddy. I called him on the cell phone and she sounded so emotional, and said: "Daddy, I miss you already and I really love you sooo much"
After Payton left for NY with her Mommy and her mommy's boyfriend...Anthony called me to say that Tessa is all in an up-roar about some videos I showed Payton. He was upset and said just don't show her any more videos. I said alright but they were video clips from my video camera of them together, nothing was wrong with them. He said Tessa said Payton was crying and there was a song..Daddy's Little Girl...playing...I told Anthony that if Payton is crying, then it's Tessa making her cry and maby the video prooved something to Payton that Tessa is lying to her about. He said, Tessa said that she is too young to know the truth...Well, there ya go then.
I called to talk to Payton about a week later. After talking to her, Tessa got on the phone and asked why did I take Payton to a police station. I told Tessa what happened with that. She asked Payton, "Did you tell a woman at the pool that if you go see Gran and pappy ect ect ect??" Payton said, "No" Tessa said, "You are lying, I can tell when she's lying, you are lying Payton!!!" I told Tessa to just drop it. She is only 6 years old and evidently is very confused and mis-understood something. Tessa just continued to holler at Payton and said she is going to talk to her about it all. She hung up.
Then she kept denying Anthony his visits, so he filed contempt on her and modify the order to have full custody.Court came up in July of 2011...Tessa said Payton is terrified to go to WV because her grandmother tried to drag her to the police station and showed her a video. I'm not sure what exactly was said in that court hearing done over the phone but afterwards Anthony told me that I have been ordered to stay away from Payton....Well that's funny. Was I there to defend myself?....NO...Did my son speak up?...No...He had some attorney appointed by the courts and that will be the last time an attorney represents him if I can help it.
So in the meantime Anthony gets a summons to court for modification of custody and visitations(child support reasons, I'm sure).... I quit calling Payton after 3 months of answering machine, and no answers. I decided to stay out of the picture for a while. Tessa has such hostility towards me that maby it would be better for Payton. I was in the process of moving anyway...and since I have been labeled a terrible wicked witch of the West...Just forget it all. Just forget that I was aproved to be Payton's foster mother....Did they over-look THAT?? After about 9 or 10 months, and Tessa denying Anthony visits and finally phone calls with Payton are being denied too, he receives the summons and goes to court (over the phone) Tessa says he never calls to talk to Payton, Anthony always cancels all visits and other lies. She says Payton is terrified to come visit and wants Anthony to come to NY to visit and says she wants him to call everyday to talk to Payton.Also Anthony receives a form that Tessa sent him claiming it's for enrolling Payton in school. The form was a consent to a NAME CHANGE....Also Anthony said Tessa wanted him to give up his rights. For heaven's sakes, I step away for a while and Tessa has cast a spell on him again. So here I go again. Helping my spell-bound son out of this mess. This is exactly why Tessa hates me so bad. She knows and now I'm for sure that Anthony would melt if I'm not there countering what she plans.......Is this going to go on forever????? 
I finally got a copy of the order that says I'm not to be the sole caretaker of Payton while she is here in WV. It also says that Anthony should be the one picking Payton up and dropping off halfway....That order was signed in August 2011
So the court over the phone August 7, 2012...The judge says she needs to come up with proof as to why she thinks the orders should be modified, the judge and attorney for child will interview Payton and questions can be sent for them to ask her, 5 days later a court hearing about that interview, In November a trial in which both can have witnesses and exhibits...I will be a witness and finally be able to defend myself.

Now it is November 2010 and sometime in October 2008 the child was given back to the mother after she "quickly" finished her programs. (or did she??) Anthony's visitation plan went back to the way it was but with the child being in school, the schedule a lot less often. This was done in a whole different county because...of course...Tessa moved again.It's back to the same ole, same ole...She tries to get out of letting Anthony see his daughter by using her anger/manipulation attitude. Tessa had another baby and in another in and out relationship. Payton is now 6 years old and says what is on her mind and tells "ALL"....
THE APPEAL....Still has not taken place but the NY Supreme courts have handed the cases to two seperate attorneys...One for my case and one for Anthony's case. AND of course since the appeal hasn't taken place...neither has the appeal on the New York State Registry. Anthony's attorney, Slob Belly, has several times tried to get him to just drop this appeal with sugar coating as if it will not affect Anthony in any way and why keep going on with it??..Just say you are guilty....bla bla bla....Anthony stands his ground on that and says "NO WAY"...Anthony says he don't care if it drags on for 10 years...He WILL NOT ADMIT TO SOMETHING HE IS NOT GUILTY OF!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooo....the new attorneys on the appeal of the decision that they made about me not taking my granddaughter while hearings were pending and Anthony's case where he was railroaded as well...are very good attorneys!!! They have prepared briefs for our appeals that are beyond the utmost amazing and to the point of the laws of New York and laws of the United States of America for our constitutional rights to be met. If we don't win them......we are going to appeal it all the way to the TOP if we have to.
These appeals will take place about February 2011.
ANTHONY is now remarried and taking care of his wife's daughter from a previous relationship and they had a bouncing baby boy together. When Payton comes to West Virginia to visit....they become one big happy little family and Anthony is a happy, happy man!! 
As for me?? I am happy to not be traveling the roads to New York every month...What torcher that was for me...financially and mentally. I am happy my granddaughter is not in foster care and was not adopted after all the errors that county's courts made from beginning to end. I am happy that the halfway visitation plan for Anthony to pick up and drop off his daughter is still happening. Even though it still is not what Tessa wants so therfor each visit is a hassel.....but...oh well... some things don't come easy. I now have four grandchildren counting Payton and I am a happy, happy grandma!!!

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Anthony is required to enroll and complete certain programs and goals before getting his daughter back. The DSS/ Foster care worker has been inconsistant with those plans. Everything that Anthony has done to show his interest....the courts have thrown OUT. The list changes depending on what he has attempted to complete.
For instance, the courts, in the beginning said he needed to complete a domestic Violence class.....after enrolling in the class it is not on the list of goals anymore therefore appearing as if he has not completed any goals. The same thing with the psychological evaluation goal that used to be on the list.
The next hearing is a review of the parents goals and programs in New York July 28th 2008.
The report did not give Anthony credit for anything he has accomplished. It stated that the mother was tested positive for drugs in her system the first part of June and then completed her substance abuse program the last of June. The mother and the child are going for family counseling to transition the child in the mother's care.
We sent out a 7 page letter to the judge showing Anthony's plan for his daughter if he is to gain custody of her and to ask that a new Permanency Hearing Report be made reflecting Anthony's completed programs....Topics include: Errors in the Permanency Hearing Report, Recent Problems with Foster Care Parent, New York State Foster Parent Manual, Contact with my Daughter's Treatment Providers in New York, Medical and Dental Plan for my Daughter in West Virginia, Court Ordered Programs and Other Self Help Programs, Visitation Plan For My Daughter with her Mother.
Anthony asked for a visitation half-way plan with reembursment like the Foster Parent Manual states is suppose to be done and also asked that foster care be transfered to paternal grandmother, Cheryl Hall. 
The courts decided that the child cannot be taken out of the state of New York, the paternal grandmother is not seeing the best interest of the child and so therfore cannot take the child because will not say that Anthony is a "WOMAN BEATER" and has something against the mother of the child(who wears a halo and wings)
~He went to a six-week divorce support group through a nationwide online program called designed to help the children of divorce cope.
~He went to a 2-hour parenting class.
~He is enrolled in Domestic Violence classes that ends sometime in September 2008.
~He had a substance abuse evaluation done and several drug tests.
~He signed up for parenting classes through the foster care and attended two 3-hour classes but found out that they were having the classes on a day every week that would not work out with his job.
~He is and has been supporting his daughter financially by paying child support which New York conveniently based the amount on his making $10.00 an hour when he only makes $7.50 an hour.
~He is seeing a psychologist at the local Mental Health Department.
~Since the child's grandmother has been approved by foster Care and Interstate Compact organization....He has a home for his daughter.
An organization called Families Link in our area has offered to help him complete his goals and are collaborating with the New York Department of Social Services and Foster Care and Anthony's attorney to get this approved so that he can complete his goals and get his daughter back!!! 
Anthony got a letter from his attorney saying what happened at the court hearing on March 10, 2008 that he went in on Anthony's behalf so that we would not have to travel to New York so soon after the last trip. He said that they dropped Anthony's right to a fact finding because of the family court fact finding. I don't understand that but it doesn't sound right to me. Anthony is going to appeal that family court fact finding. Anthony did not sign that form and WILL be going to the next State Registry court hearing June 25 following a letter to that judge and all involved. The letter will be an "Exceptions to the Determination of Fact Finding" and a "Memorandum of Law". The Exceptions to the Determination is where Anthony is bringing up his evidence that his no-good attorney did not present. The Memorandum of law states the NY laws and how the family courts, DSS, and CPS has gone against it.
~~>Before the hearing we sent a letter to everyone in the Office of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Special Hearings in the Albany office, the Commissioner of OCFS, the CPS officials and the judge for the Warren County Department of Social Services. 
The letter we sent was an "Exceptions to the Determination of Fact Finding" and a "Memorandum of Law". The Exceptions to the Determination is where Anthony is bringing up his evidence that his no-good attorney did not present. The Memorandum of law states the NY laws and how the family courts, DSS, and CPS has gone against it. We also sent the proof that this Fact-Finding order is being appealed on which DSS and CPS has managed to hide from them.
We accomplished what we wanted! They decided that they would not put his name on the registry until after the decision on the appeal and set up a hearing for January 2009. (Subject to change depending on when the appeal takes place.)
I have been appointed an attroney!! Anthony's family court attorney from 2006 recommended him and I requested him on my appeal.
The DSS attorney is suppose to send him the written order from the hearing that took place on Feb 13, 2008 but has not sent it even though Anthony has sent letters and faxes to her. He can't start an appeal without an order. Lucky for them!! He is appealing the fact finding part of it AND whatever it says in their screwed up order they won't send.
~~>Even though Anthony has still not received the order from the hearing in February, we sent his appeal with a letter asking the New York Supreme court if he Anthony can go ahead and appeal the "Fact Finding" part of it and appeal the rest later. We have not heard anything yet and the appeal was sent June 30, 2008.
Anthony's other attorney from the lower courts has messed everything up and has misrepresented him way too many times. They are wanting his name on the New York State Central Registry but he still refuses to believe that he is guilty of the child abuse and neglect. His attorney tried to get him to sign a form dropping the appeal on the registry hearing and told him the only thing it will affect against him would be that he cannot get a job in some places in NY. We found out that was not true. He would also not be able to visit his daughter if he were on that list. Anthony has a hearing for that June 25. This attorney also has never presented evidence that we have showing he is not guilty of neglect. He has sent a letter to the family court judge to ask for another attorney to be appointed but we have not heard anything about that.
~~>They wrote a letter to Anthony saying that everything is in appeals and he cannot be appointed another attorney so even though not EVERYTHING is in appeals yet......Anthony's old attorney still is on the case giving his expertise advise. There is a review on July 28th on the reunification of child with the parents and he will be representing Anthony on that.  



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