The WHOLE STORY In A Nutshell
The WHOLE STORY In A Nutshell
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Send Comments!
The article in the newspaper..WHAT HAPPENED?
The Criminal Court Conspiracy<~~
FAMILY COURT "The Hearings"
The State Central Registry of abused children "hearings"
Why did he leave New York in the first place???
Marital History Part 2
Foster Care (Visits and phone calls)
BATTERED MEN (It happens to men too)
Photo Album

Since there is so much to the story and so much that happened in each is the whole story without the details.


Tessa=The mother of the child and Anthony's girlfriend/wife/ex-wife
Payton=The child involved..Anthony and Tessa's daughter

Anthony and Tessa met in West Virginia. Tessa was visiting from where she lived in New York. Anthony started making long trips to NY to visit her and she told him she was not treated right by her parents. He moved her in with us. Anthony had not graduated school yet and once he graduated, he decided to go to a tech school about 2 hours away in Fairmont WV. They both moved to Fairmont, she got pregnant and they got married in Fairmont WV. Her parents had been in the Airforce and they talked Anthony into quiting school and joining the Airforce. Payton was born in NY while Anthony was in boot-camp in Texas. Anthony was stationed in Missori...Where Tessa had lived in the past and had family and friends there. About 1000 miles away from his home town. The trouble started there.
Tessa started staying out all night on drugs, beating up on Anthony and then calling the cops on him, the Airforce people tried to help Anthony get a divorce and get custody of Payton. Anthony came close but was under Tessa's spell and kept going back to her. He got kicked out of the Airforce because of not showing up on time in the mornings because Tessa wasn't home yet,  and because of all the marrital fights on record. Under her spell they moved to New York with Tessa's parents.
Everything seemed alright until her parents went on a vacation. They had a big fight over a bank card from a bank in MO that Anthony knew should not be used but Tessa would not give it to him. They struggled on the couch over the card and then Anthony left. He came back in a couple of hours but when he came back, Tessa called the cops because, in her own words, she thought Anthony was going to take Payton....not because of a fight, but because she was afraid he would take the child. He was arrested for harrasment, unlawful imprisonment, and child endangerment. Anthony decided he had enough and was moving back to West Virginia. When the court hearing came up for the arrest, he was advised to plead guilty on harrasment and they would drop the other two. So that's what he did. Even though he only pulled her hair during the struggle trying to get the bank card away from her, and even though she did not call the cops right after the was only after Anthony came back. There was a restraining order put out against Anthony.
Anthony filed for full custody. The judge let him take Payton back to WV after every court hearing for that. Tessa was not happy about it at all and on a rampage she got in my face and pushed me down in front of the police station where we met to pick up Payton....she got in anthony's face yelling and cursing. Each time we were to take Payton she acted out like this.
On the court hearing day that the judge was going to make the final decision if Anthony should have full custody....Tessa came into the waiting room all crying and nice to Anthony and me...OHHHH how she has treated us all so bad and wants to make a change and now be real nice to us. Tessa's parents were there also sucking up to us. Anthony's attorney asked him if he wanted to just do joint custody and have a good visitation schedule of meeting halfway and Anthony being spell-bound fell for it. He did not realize at the time that the judge was getting ready to give him custody. I could not advise him because with Tessa being so nice to him....I needed to mind my own business(In Anthony's mind) So as I regret it now.....I just let it happen.
Anthony getting halfway visits did not go over well with Tessa and her parents....They even got into a hollering match with Tessa's attorney.....But Anthony got his halfway visit plan and that still is going on to this day.
So...Anthony had a good job and making his new life in West Virginia and Tessa being all nice and having to talk to Anthony about visits over the phone became more that just talking about visits(restraining order still in effect)...They decided to try and make the marriage work for the sake of Payton and Anthony dropped everything and went back to New York. Tessa invited some drug friends from MO to visit them. Tessa started laying out all night and came home from a bar wearing no underware and drunk. Anthony had been taking care of his daughter and the visitor's child and had them in the bed when Tessa grabed a knife and stabbed Anthony. He called 911 and CPS came and took Payton. Anthony went to jail for going against the restraining order and Tessa went to jail for endangerment of the child and feleny.
Anthony was planning to take his daughter and go to West Virginia, but everyone decided he was guilty of neglect and Tessa had a special bond with the child. So Payton ended up in foster care. I thought Tessa's parents would take Payton into their care instead of her staying in foster care....But I was wrong about that. When I found out they were not fighting for her freedom to be with her relatives.....I stepped in and was suppose to take her, by law, with me to West Virginia. That county made their own rules from there on out.

Now that you know the main story...See the other pages to your left for all the details. The "UPDATE" page tells what's going on now.



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Element number two of the Twelve Disciplinary Elements is to respect your children and yourself. Positive discipline is based on mutual respect. Assume that children are basically reasonable human beings who want to do well, and treat them with the respect they deserve. Kids learn by imitation, and just demonstrating respectful behavior will take you a long way. The basic rule is: You get what you give. Sound familiar? Some call it the Golden Rule, and some call it karma, but the idea is the same: Treat your child as you would like to be treated and your child (eventually and usually) will treat you that way back. Set a good example. Children learn from observing your behavior. Be aware of the impact of your own biases and feelings of anger on your child. Be prepared to respond to purposeful acts of bias because children will carefully observe how you intervene when someone is the target of hate-based behavior. Be vocal in opposing racist views and practices. Use appropriate labels and words when describing what occurred and the individuals involved.
Set an Example: The hardest part of parenting may me that once you are the parent of a child, you have to be the ultimate role model. Children watch their parents and everything they do! If you set an example to your children that you respect other people's feelings by not being a gossip, you children will learn to respect other people's feelings in return! The same can be said for respecting possesions and following rules. Setting a good example is the best way to start a child on the path to respect.


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