Why did he leave New York in the first place???
The WHOLE STORY In A Nutshell
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The article in the newspaper..WHAT HAPPENED?
The Criminal Court Conspiracy<~~
FAMILY COURT "The Hearings"
The State Central Registry of abused children "hearings"
Why did he leave New York in the first place???
Marital History Part 2
Foster Care (Visits and phone calls)
BATTERED MEN (It happens to men too)
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WHY DID HE LEAVE NEW YORK? That seems to be a question asked in these court hearings and in the other court hearings for the visitation and Custody in 2006. That seems to be Anthony's X-inlaws question and defence. That seems to be something they can not understand in New York....and WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND??? Am I crazy? Is it just me? Wouldn't his staying in New York be like living in prison?
The girl is a bipolar con artist and Anthony in the past has jumped when she says jump. In Missouri when he was in the Air Force, there were many Protection Orders for them to stay away from each other and they managed to break them and end up back together. His X would text message, call, accidently-on-purpose run into him and cry, scheme and lie him right back with her, holding the baby over his head the whole time.
When I traveled Anthony to New York several times for the Custody and Visitation in 2006, Tessa's parents kept on trying to use the fact that he "LEFT NEW YORK" as a reason why he should not get a halfway visitation plan. They were all very angry when Anthony won his halfway plan. The judge in that family court was very understanding about why he left AND his rights to see his daughter!!Anthony was trying for full custody but Tessa and her family became very friendly when it was time for that decision and so he agreed for 50/50...not understanding that it didn't REALLY mean he would have custody half the time.
So now it is a whole new Family Court and a whole new judge, whole new attorneys,  and CPS involved....and it's a mess!!!! I liked it better the way it was....At least us here in West Virginia was able to see my granddaughter every other month for two weeks at a time! Tessa had primary custody of the child and was not agreeable on anything, lied and took out petitions against us..........BUT AT LEAST WE SAW THE CHILD!!!
Now that the courts have gone into this mess, Tessa's attorney had the nerve to ask me on the stand "Why didn't Anthony stay in New York?" Well, it took all I had in me not to fly off the handle on that question. The foster care worker advised him to move there and he would help him with a place to live, a job, transportation.........Then Anthony's own attorney advised him to come to New York and live so that he would have more of a chance to get his daughter......HAHAHA That would be like "throwing him to the wolves"....As far as we know there is NO Protection Order against the one who wears a halo and has wings...........nooooo they wouldn't do that to her. She stabbed Anthony and they act like it never happened. All that con artist has to do is look at Anthony cross-eyed and he would go to jail....OHHH they would like that!!!............................................And that is why he moved away from NY and that is why he will not move back there.



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